Wednesday 1 August 2012

Summer School - Day 3

We had so much going on yesterday that I forgot to take any pictures for the blog!  But I remembered today....

It has been all go at the Arts Guild as we start bringing our script 'Petunia Picklebottom Vs The Zombie Army' to life.  It's a fast-paced, ridiculously silly story about death, destruction, zombies and... emmmm.... bubbles.

The opening of the play (with copious notes!)

Yesterday we spent the first part of the day coming up with some songs for various key moments in the play.  These included 'My Name is Roy (and I'm not a Boy)' and the 'Freaky Voodoo Woman' song.  All the ideas for the story and the songs have come from the young people.

The rest of the day was spent getting the play on it's feet.  It's not the longest piece in the world but there's a LOT going on, and time is tight, so we worked really hard in the afternoon and today in getting it all pieced together.

The INCREDIBLE Picklebottom

The story follows two characters, Roy McClumperton and Petunia Picklebottom.  Both have very different tales to tell, but circumstance means that there lives cross at a great turning point for both of them... it just so happens that as all that other stuff is going on, a zombie apocalypse is beginning to take place.

Working on the graveyard scene

The group have worked really well together, we go from Primary 1's right up to 6th years and it has been a joy to see all ages pulling together to create what will hopefully be a fun-filled show.  Tomorrow we will be working on creating props with an art teacher who's dropping in (see Marianne's initial list below!), rehearsing a bit more of the play and getting ready for our performance on Friday afternoon at 3.00.

Props list

Working on the script

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